Success is not about the letters behind your name or the title you bear.
Success has everything to do with your inner game.
The reality is that self-sabotaging behaviours get in the way of you showing up as that best version of you. They get in the way of you feeling empowered. …And they take your mindset out of alignment.
You too can have a life filled with…
- Balance
- Healthy boundaries
- Trusting yourself
- Confidence
- Self-awareness
- Moving through Fear
- Productivity
- Empowerment
- Authenticity
- Resilience and calm
- Connected relationships
- Freedom & Peace

I’ve helped hundreds of people in your exact same position. I know that it’s possible to create something different in your life!
If you imagine that you’re a house, and that house has a foundation… and it’s imperative that the foundation is solid.
So it’s our job to fix the cracks in the foundation of your life.

This is all possible…
- Feeling in control of my life.
- Feeling empowered to make choices.
- Trusting myself & my choices.
- Being more present and less distracted.
- Embracing authenticity.
- Increasing balance in my life.
- Raising self-esteem and confidence.
- Altering negativity and mindset.
- Listening to my intuition.
- Reducing overwhelm and building resilience.
- Reducing reactivity and triggers.
- Creating more inner peace, fulfillment & happiness.
- Communicating more effectively, authentically and honestly with others.
- Develop a passion for each day and the future.
What needs to happen…
- Dislodge Fear – Helping you to understand the gremlins that would hold you back while developing a healthy perspective of your life as a whole.
- Challenge Self-perspective – What do you believe about who you are? We’re going to dissect what’s holding you back from being powerful in your life and work.
- Grow Deliberately – What is the dream? Developing a plan for how you want your life to look is awesome but prioritizing your growth and development is what is going to ultimately take that dream into reality.
Success isn’t a byproduct of education and credentials.
It’s about the fire that’s within you!

What it’s like to work with me…
We’re going to pause… and I’m going to create a safe space for you.
Within that space, you’re going to talk about what holds you back and what slows you down.
Together we are going to walk through a process of ‘undoing’. We’re going to look at things through a different lens and develop new tools for moving you forward.
And you’ll feel comfortable in speaking to your authenticity and embracing your growth.
Because of my process, you will reconnect to who you are and what you want. You will be less stressed. You’ll manage anxiety and cultivate a perspective of positivity and optimism. And you’ll have renewed confidence and a mindset that is aligned with your priorities.
And you will be calm. xo
Client Results
“Working with Katrina changed me. I honestly really like myself now. I don’t think I ever had a legitimate relationship with myself before or even registered that there needed to be one. Because of our work together, everything in my life has changed. My confidence and the way I show up has totally changed.” Emily, Director of Finance – Montreal
“I didn’t realize that I was only one decision away from completely changing my life. I had 12 sessions with Katrina and it changed my life. At the beginning, I was stuck – caught in brain fog – but through my work with Katrina, I found the answers to get unstuck and move forward (personally and professionally). I made bold moves that improved my life.” Marie, Business Owner – Montreal