Life’s journey is not to
arrive at the grave safely
in a well-preserved body,
but rather to skid in sideways,
totally worn out, shouting
‘…holy crap …what a ride!’
– George Carlin
Fear is imagining what could go wrong but hasn’t gone wrong yet. Fear is running a mental movie of the worst-case scenario repeatedly in your mind. It creates tremendous anxiety, worry and stress. Fear is hiding under limiting beliefs and self-judgment, holding you in a pattern of self-doubt. Fear stops us from taking chances. Fear stops us from really living.
Fear is a thief. It will steal your time, energy and dreams. Fear makes you crazy…taunting and depleting you. It keeps you a prisoner, feeling depressed and frustrated. In a world filled with fear, there is no joy.
Joy is a choice. Choosing to release fear is simply embracing possibility.
How do I get there? Simple tools, it just takes work…..
Time + Work = Change
Visualize life without fear.
Make a mental movie of your magnificent life without fear! Clipboard…Vision board? Why not! Whatever helps you to see what life could actually be like.
Have faith.
Do you have faith in your fear or faith in your ability, talent and wisdom? Believe in possibilities and opportunities. Believe in yourself. Believe in your higher power, the universe or God.
Delete the garbage.
It’s all about your mental state. Give up your negative affirmations. “I can’t do it.” should become “I can”, “I’m not as good as the others.” should be “I’ll try” or “I will”, “I don’t have time.” should become “I choose to make time”. Replace the garbage with positive self-talk and affirmations. “I choose“, “I will” & “I can” must become your mantras. Remember that life isn’t happening to you, it’s happening for you.
Be proactive.
Start your day with your most important tasks. Make lists and prioritize. Stay focussed and committed. If you make a mistake, don’t hold on to it, just begin again.
Don’t become discouraged by a previous failure, use it as a learning opportunity. “That which does not kill us, only makes us stronger”. Everything happens with the purpose of teaching us. Positive or negative, we must learn from our experiences and explore what they are teaching us, the opportunities they unfold and discover what we learn about ourselves in each situation.
Trust yourself.
Learn to trust life. Trust that things have a way of working themselves out. Trust that the right people will be put in your path when and where you need them. Trusting in yourself and trusting in the process, will enable you to live in the present moment with no worry of the past or future.
…and finally…
Start saying ‘yes!’.
Learn to try new things and experience new ideas. It’s not mandatory that you start skydiving, but be open to change and allow opportunities to enter your path.
Time + Work = Change
You were born to take risks, explore, grow and expand. You were meant to have joy and be light. You were meant to love and be loved. Live life to the fullest. Explore each day as if it were the beginning of something different. Live life for today….don’t worry about tomorrow. Today is all that matters.